A new Board of Directors for Icomos France

Published on 06 April 2012 - Updated 11 May 2012
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 12 ans

Members of ICOMOS France elected the association’s new Board of Directors on the occasion of the General Assembly held on 27 March 2012. The Board is now made up of 24 members (rather than the previous 47) divided up into three colleges: College of architects, College of specialists in other heritage disciplines, and College of institutional members. Isabelle Longuet, present Director of Mission Val de Loire, was elected to the second College. Pierre-Antoine Gatier, Chief Architect for Historical Monuments and President of ICOMOS France, was also re-elected.

Set up in 1965, the French section of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), an international NGO, now numbers 1300 members, professionals, associations and local authorities alike. 

Its objective is the preservation and enhancement of cultural, architectural, urban and landscape heritage. ICOMOS France is a centre for interdisciplinary exchanges, whose deliberations and expertise contribute to the implementation of the World Heritage Convention, both by the French Government and by UNESCO itself. 

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