500 participants at the Loire Valley Rendezvous

Published on 11 December 2014 - Updated 19 December 2014
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 9 ans

“this is an essential day for us actors”, “we came home filled with ideas”, “contacts with other partners for actions to carry out together”… testimonies from those who took part in the day held on 25 November 2014 are unanimous: it’s a great idea to meet every other year and share our Loire Valley World Heritage Site projects.

You can relive the Rendezvous with the help of the documents and photos available below. 

In his contribution, the geographer Louis-Marie Coyaud introduced the study day to be organised by Mission Val de Loire during the first half of next year on the relationship between “space and territory”. A document on the subject taking up the points made by M. Coyaud’s is set to be produced for the occasion. 

The meeting held between local correspondents on the occasion of the Rendezvous provided an opportunity to launch their network, which is still being constituted. Mission Val de Loire will be analysing the workshop’s results with a view to planning further meetings in 2015. 




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