4 photo competitions on Loire heritage

Published on 30 April 2013 - Updated 22 May 2013
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 11 ans

"Blois off the beaten track", "Heritage in the Orléans region", "Bridges in Tours" and "Touraine vineyards" are the subjects for amateur photographers' lenses, with perhaps the chance of being put on show.

Blois grand format

Take part in the call for projects launched by Blois for the "Blois grand format" photo exhibition.  

For the 3rd year in a row, Blois is putting on a photo exhibition along the banks of the Loire this summer, this year on the theme: Blois off the beaten track. 

New for this year: the exhibition is open to all amateur photographers. A jury will choose 20 snapshots and your large format photo will be put on display along Promenade Mendès-France. 


A closer look at the heritage of the Orléans region

Competition organised by the SPECULOS association managed independently by the students of the Master 2 on Local Management of Cultural Heritage in the Orléans Law Faculty 

See the latest news on this website: A closer look at the heritage of the Orléans region  

It's your bridge!

From Saturday 6th April to Saturday 25th May 2013, the media library in La Riche will be hosting the exhibition on bridge engineering put together by Centre Sciences and the Ecole Supérieure de l'Energie et des Matériaux (Polytech Orléans), with input from the Centre Region. 

Throughout the exhibition, take photos of bridges in Tours and play your part in the exhibition too. 


Vines, Loire, Photos

The second "Vines, Loire, Photos" marathon will take place on 14th and 15th June when events and performances will be put on for DiVINes&SENS. The marathon is five themes over 24 hours for snapping surprising photos around the wine-making landscapes of the Pays Loire Touraine and activities organised for DiVINes&SENS. 




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