2017 Tourist cellar encounters

Published on 03 March 2017 - Updated 23 June 2017
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 7 ans

At the beginning of every year, Interloire brings together wine tourism stakeholders to review the past year and discuss prospects. 80 participants therefore met up on 17 January 2017 in Angers as part of the SIVAL trade show: tourist cellars, regional and départemental tourist institutions and tourist offices.

Key figures 2015

The data collected by the Observatory (the only Observatory in France led by an interprofessional organisation) offers insights on trends in the development of wine tourism, thanks to a response rate of 43% (on the rise) out of 350 tourist cellars. 


Nearly 2 million visitors (private individuals): +11% 

composed of: 

  • 64% French people passing through
  • 27% regulars
  • 9% foreign visitors passing through (especially in high season)

€80 million in turnover 

  • €80 spent on average (€120 by regulars and €75 by visitors passing through)

2016 promotional schemes

2016 saw the makeover of the  www.vinsvaldeloire.fr website which is now better adapted to new uses, and the connection to the regional Tourinsoft databases to collect data on tourist cellars' factsheets. Workshops were offered during the session in order to show how to update and flesh out these pages. 

The promotional schemes include: 

  • The dissemination of 180,000 copies of the map of tourist cellars in more than 4,000 locations
  • Inclusion in the Loire Châteaux leaflet
  • International promotion as part of the Atout France Tourism cluster
  • Stable visitor numbers at Vins, vignes et randos despite two fewer walks, with, for the first time, a poster campaign in Paris (metro)

2016 audits

128 out of 351 cellars were audited in 2016, on the basis of 52 criteria. 16% were categorised as ‘caves d’excellence’, respecting 100% of the “basic” criteria of the reception charter and at least 70% of the optional criteria. 

The assets of the Loire Valley cellars are quality, human values, friendliness and investments made to improve visitor reception. 

Efforts must be continued on the translation, display and update of the cellars’ websites. 




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