11 tourist wine cellars rewarded for their all-round excellent welcome

Published on 05 February 2010 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 15 ans

These awards were bestowed on 21st and 22nd January 2010, following an audit performed at the request of the Interprofession des Vins de Loire (InterLoire).


Out of the 300 Loire wine region tourist cellars making up the network, set up three years ago, 100 were audited. The auditor, Kanopée Consultants, based its work on a grid of criteria selected when the Charter of the network of Loire wine region tourist cellars was put into practice (this charter was designed in partnership with tourism institutions and funded by the regions), including ease of access, regular opening times, commented and educational wine-tasting sessions in a properly fitted out area and sale of single bottles.
After the audit, 89% of cellars were qualified, with an average of 87% of compulsory criteria met. The 11 cellars singled out (compared with five last year) met every single one of the compulsory quality criteria, 70% of the optional criteria and scooped at least two special mentions (charm and authenticity of the cellar, warm, personalised welcome, sophisticated services and/or effective internal organisation of the cellar).
The 11 prize-winning tourist cellars in 2010 for their all-round excellent welcome are:


Caves touristiques des vignobles de Loire



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