Guideline 1: Protect and enhance the heritage and remarkable areas

Published on 16 December 2014 - Updated 12 December 2017
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 10 ans


  • Protect and restore the Loire's built heritage.
  • Endeavour to preserve the character of places when carrying out construction and development projects.
  • Open the city out onto the river.
  • Restore and maintain navigation structures.
  • Protect the reservoir and ecological corridor shaped by the Loire and its tributaries.

Proposals for action

  • Roll out Areas for Enhancing Architecture and Heritage (AVAP) and safeguarded sectors to protect the most remarkable old centres and buildings overlooking the Loire.
  • Perform a landscape study prior to drafting each Local Urban Development Plan (PLU) and a heritage and landscape appraisal prior to installing any new infrastructure or development.
  • Develop the quays for the public in keeping with the Loire character of the developments and gradually reduce the space taken over by car parks on the banks of the Loire.



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