Information campaign on landscapes

Published on 03 December 2010 - Updated 13 December 2016
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 14 ans

To support the setup of the Management Plan, the Mission Val de Loire, with assistance from the Centre and Pays de la Loire regions and in partnership with the State, launched an information campaign in 2009 to raise everyone's awareness of the site's Outstanding Universal Value, the threats of its alteration and the guidelines for its protection and sustainable development.

This campaign targets different groups of people:  

  • general public with an animation module, the "landscape encounter";
  • young people with the production of an educational kit for secondary schools and sixth-form colleges of the site;
  • professionals consisting of UNESCO workshops on landscape.

An "Experience the landscapes" information kit

This kit is made available to Loire Valley stakeholders, local authorities, associations, professional networks, Centres on the Loire, cultural centres, châteaux, towns and regions of art and history for organising awareness-raising initiatives: a brochure, a mobile exhibition, a DVD co-produced by the film-maker Laurent Charbonnier and a website,  

In 2010, 30 "landscape encounters" were put on for inhabitants of the heritage circuits, as well as landscape readings and debates on the challenges of protecting and enhancing the cultural landscape of the UNESCO site. 



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