[Fr] AAC "Labels Patrimoniaux : stop ou encore ?"
Le projet LAPTER (Labels patrimoniaux et touristiques en région Centre-Val de Loire : une ressource territoriale ?) se penche depuis 2022 sur la mobilisation...
Published on 02 December 2019 - Updated 04 March 2022
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 4 ans
The 5th episode of our web series "Portraits de Loire à la Renaissance" delves into the theme of travel in the Loire Valley during times of peace and war.
In times of peace, the Loire Valley grew and developed and its river linked up with the world. Ideas moved around freely.
In times of war, the Loire Valley became a strategic battleground. The Wars of Religion left deep scars in people's memories.
Towns sought protection behind their ramparts, but could not prevent atrocities for all that. Trade was paralysed, the passing armies terrorised locals and shortages in food staples led to famine.
The Loire and its ships were grim onlookers and actors of the events unfolding.
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L’équipe de la Mission Val de Loire.