Journey through Loire heritage, from Roanne to Angers

Published on 24 July 2018 - Updated 02 August 2018
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 5 ans

In September, an artist, a heritage restorer and a pedestal maker for artworks will row down the Loire in discovery of the river's natural and cultural heritage. This threefold heritage approach (technical, artistic and natural heritage) seeks to unveil the wealth of this territory and the close links binding the Loire and its residents.

Paddling and encountering

This journey through Loire heritage will be made by canoe, a silent and environmentally-friendly means of transport that will take the travellers through unique nature spots, immersing them in a longstanding river history. 

Specialists and enthusiasts of all kinds will share with them their love for this heritage and the unsung sites along the Loire's banks. These 3 travellers will thus head out to Maisons de Loire for an insight into natural heritage, visit the Musée de la Loire at Cosne-sur-Loire and the tuffeau stone quarries to find out about the styles and ways of life of times past, and they will learn about sailing on the Loire thanks to the association “Loire et marine” and the Maison de Loire at Belleville-sur-Loire. 


Throughout the journey, a variety of digital technology will be used (including 360° video, 3D camera, immersive sound, photogrammetry and 3D printing) to report on this immersive experience along the river.  

Different guest artists will provide their own subjective impressions, captured through their discipline (photography, drawing or painting). 

In order to share just some of what they will have experienced during this adventure, the 3 travellers intend to put on a travelling exhibition using an array of formats. This will be a way to convey all the wonder that can be derived from the river, this common history and the Loire's ecosystems.  


To help the project to succeed, the Voyage en patrimoine association has rallied sponsors and volunteers to the cause, and to lend a hand in planning the journey. Further expenses are necessary, however, and the association is looking for additional sources of funding.  

To support this project, you can:  

  • contribute to the crowdfunding campaign ;
  • support the association by becoming a subscribing member, active member or contributing member;
  • become one of the project sponsors by making a financial donation or contributing audiovisual or sports equipment.



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