Videos of the study day "The Loire Valley tomorrow?”

Published on 17 June 2015 - Updated 01 July 2015
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 9 ans

The study day "The Loire Valley tomorrow? Around the Loire: realities and prospects" was organised on 8 April 2015 in Tours by Mission Val de Loire together with its Scientific and Professional Board.

European comparisons: the situation for three other rivers

The Pô

Paolo Molinari, Geographer and Professor at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan 


The Vistula

Jerzy Grela, Senior Consultant in water management (MGGP engineering office in Krakow) and former head of the Krakow Regional Water Management Office, Poland 

The Rhine

Raymond Woessner, Geographer and Professor at Paris IV University 


Loire Portraits

The Loire Valley: a region? Historical geography and landscapes

Louis-Marie Coyard, retired university professor and geographer  

1950 – 2000: half a century of mobilisation for the Loire

Jacques Boislevé, journalist, writer and member of the Pays de la Loire Regional Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESER) 


The Loire Valley tomorrow: what prospects for developing it in a way that combines projects with remembering the past?

The Loire Valley: a real-life territory?

Emmanuelle Quiniou, Director of the Angers Urban Planning Agency  

Aurélie Ravier, Tours Urban Planning Agency  

Hervé Patureau, Orléans Urban Planning Agency 


On this website: 



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