Towards a regional agency for biodiversity in the Centre Val de Loire Region

Published on 22 November 2017 - Updated 11 December 2017
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 6 ans

As part of the Biodiversity Act of 20 July 2016, the Centre-Val de Loire Region wants to reform its Écopôle (eco-business park) in order to create a Regional Agency for Biodiversity (ARB). Its main mission will be to encourage local elected representatives and developers to take biodiversity into account.

The three objectives of this future agency are to: 

  • simplify the system around one distinctive partner organisation for all the stakeholders working in biodiversity, in particular the State and its authorities,
  • encourage better appropriation of biodiversity challenges by improving knowledge and observation,
  • foster capacity for territorial engineering in order to take action.

Two seminars organised on the joint initiative of the Centre-Val de Loire Region and the State departments with its local authorities (Regional Directorate for the Environment, Development and Housing (DREAL), French Agency for Biodiversity, Loire-Bretagne Water Agency) were held in January and July 2017. Nearly 350 people concerned by biodiversity conservation and promotion challenges were thus able to discuss and work on drawing up a roadmap for this future agency.  

The work carried out during these two seminars can be downloaded from the Centre-Val de Loire Region website.  



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