A web-series of 60 episodes to find out about the Loire à Vélo

Published on 04 July 2013 - Updated 12 July 2013
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 11 ans

From 24 June to 8 September 2013, find out about the Loire à Vélo in July and August with Sylvie Denis and the whole team at Vues sur Loire (Pays de la Loire and Centre local TV channel France 3). Sylvie Denis will introduce you to people, places and unbelievable landscapes: for what better pretext than a bicycle, in the end, for taking your time, pedalling at your own pace, pausing here and there ... and hearing stories and secrets from these Loire citizens?

This bike ride will ultimately lead to an interactive map of Loire residents being drawn up, as well as an original webdoc going back over the best moments of the series. 


“PAYSAGES du Centre” series

This documentary series by Sylvain Hadelin, broadcast on the Centre local TV channel France 3, is an opportunity to find out about the landscapes in the Centre all year round. 

The documentaries in 2013 include: 

  • Making the tramway of Tours a part of the city's history
  • The Blois bridges, links between Beauce and Sologne
  • Promenade in the land of cave dwellers




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