A Georgian delegation in the Loire Valley

Published on 27 October 2017 - Updated 11 December 2017
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 6 ans

As part of experience sharing between French and Georgian heritage experts, Mission Val de Loire hosted a Georgian delegation in the Loire Valley on 20 and 21 September 2017, in order to study and discuss urban and architectural heritage management and preservation, landscape conservation, management of World Heritage properties and overall heritage policies and strategies in terms of spatial planning.

Mission Val de Loire coordinated this visit at the request of the World Heritage Centre and the Association of French World Heritage Properties. The delegation, made up of Georgian experts from the Ministry of Culture and Monument Protection, the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development and the city of Mtskheta, which has monuments featured on the World Heritage List, had the opportunity to visit and find out about the following places in the Loire Valley:  

  • the conservation area in Tours;
  • the restoration of the old church in Rigny-Ussé (11th-12th centuries);
  • Candes-Saint-Martin, through a history- and landscape-based interpretation;
  • the cultural policy, management and restoration of Fontevraud Royal Abbey, as well as the urban and heritage policy of the village centre;
  • the village centre of Cunault and the Notre-Dame-de-Cunault priory church (11th-13th centuries);
  • the village centre of the former municipality of Blaison-Gohier, certified a “petite cité de caractère”.

This trip was part of a support programme for Georgia developed by the UNESCO World Heritage Centre, aiming to develop the protection and management of the country’s cultural heritage: monumental, urban and landscape.  

To find out more: Une délégation de la Géorgie visite le Siège de l’UNESCO et des sites du patrimoine mondial français  


Les étapes de la restauration de l’église Notre-Dame de Rigny  

Abbaye royale de Fontevraud - Faire vivre et rayonner un site patrimonial d’exception (Pays de la Loire Regional Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESER), October 2011) 

La restauration de l’Abbaye de Fontevraud (INRA - Télé Pays de la Loire, August 1977) 

La Prieurale Notre-Dame-de-Cunault (Mission Val de Loire, April 2017) 



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