Take part in the creation of a digital journey in the Loir Valley

Published on 09 November 2017 - Updated 11 December 2017
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 6 ans

The Pays de la Vallée du Loir is launching a crowdfunding campaign in order to develop a digital tool for discovering the Loir Valley and its heritage.

A passionate team has been working for several months on designing a journey with a view to setting off in discovery of the secret treasures of the Loir Valley. Using innovative digital tools, it is a bold undertaking, just like the region itself. By taking part in this experience, you will have exclusive access to discover and try out innovative digital devices.  

Thanks to hologram technology, you will soon be able to take a look at the abbey of the Château l’Hermitage in 3D, just as it was in the 17th century. Or else listen to the villagers painted on the vault of the church of St-Vincent-du-Lorouër as they tell the tale of their lives and professions. Or even discover the banks of the Loir at the Moulin de la Bruère watermill through connected viewpoint indicators. 

So you won’t miss anything on this journey, all these digital innovations will be included in an app which will lead travellers on a discovery of heritage sites all along the Loir Valley.  

To take part in this funding campaign: https://www.commeon.com/fr/projet/valleeduloir  



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