A network of landscape stakeholders in Pays de la Loire

Published on 08 November 2013 - Updated 28 November 2013
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 11 ans

Alongside mapping out the atlas of landscapes in the Pays de la Loire region, a "landscape network" is being set up across the region, initiated by the Regional Directorate for the Environment, Development and Housing (DREAL) with a view to encouraging knowledge-sharing and collectively forging a forward-looking vision on this cross-cutting topic.

To this end, the DREAL is launching an e-letter of the landscape network  in Pays de la Loire. To receive it, please email lettre-sites-et-paysages.dreal-pays-loire@developpement-durable.gouv.fr  

A "Landscapes - we're all involved!" seminar will be held on 9 & 10 January 2014 at AgroCampus Ouest-Angers. 

This will set out to: 

  • highlight projects, achievements and initiatives worth promoting on landscape, especially in Pays de la Loire
  • talk about landscape and the landscapes in Pays de la Loire
  • (re)form a network of landscape stakeholders in Pays de la Loire
  • present the atlas of Pays de la Loire landscapes currently being mapped out, particularly the summary of stakeholder booklet feedback.

Plenary sessions (in the morning) will alternate with workshops (in the afternoon) to encourage discussion. 




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