Trans VaLoire: seasonal workers united

Published on 29 March 2013 - Updated 08 April 2013
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 11 ans

Blois Job Centre, the Pays de Chambord Community of Municipalities and Agglopolys are working with a wide range of institutional and private partners to come up with seasonal loops to stabilise jobs over the year through a multi-competence and multi-employer focus. The scheme seeks to benefit employers, who often have a hard job recruiting, and employees, by providing secured, multi-sectorial job offers close to home.

Taking account of the difficulties seasonal workers face in finding accommodation and travelling long distances, Trans VaLoire’s activities centre on providing access to clearly-stated job offers, training, accommodation, mobility and legal rights. 

In order to do this, the Trans VaLoire project has set itself several objectives: 

  • Setup of a Manpower Planning system to create seasonal loops
  • Drawing up a balanced legal framework for companies and employees
  • Removing obstacles to mobility and access to accommodation
  • Creating tools and supports to raise awareness of the polyvalence/seasonal loop initiative, ensuring clarity of job possibilities, facilitating seasonal workers’ access to legal rights and preventing professional risks

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