Exchange courses for Malian and French students

Published on 24 November 2008 - Updated 04 August 2015
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 15 ans

As part of the Niger-Loire “governance and culture” project, students from Loire Valley universities attended three-month-long courses in the second half of 2008 covering themes or pilot initiatives linked to the project, in an exchange agreement with Malian students from the University of Bamako.


The students carried out their work under the supervision of teachers from their home universities and with the support in their host country of study and project leaders assig ned to the projects concerned. This work contributed to the preparation of pilot initiatives (component four of the project) and surveys (component one).


The following work was carried out:



Students (Partner university and contact teacher)

Water conveyance in Moribabougou

- Clémence Savary (University of Tours, Cathy Savourey)

- Mahamadou Kone

Diagnostic/future directions for redevelopment of the port of Mopti

- Perrine Dhelens (University of Tours, Cathy Savourey)

- Mamadou A.K Diallo

Riverbanks audit in the lower Niger delta

Céline Malet (University of Tours - IMACOF)

This project was backed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs .

Sand extraction on a section of the Niger river

- Mathilde Collerie (University of Tours - IMACOF, JP Berton and Benoit Pin)

- Nouhoum N'Ndiaye

Proposal for a dye effluent pre -treatment system in Bamako

- Gary Lepinay (Catholic University of the West - Catherine Mouneyrac)

- Arouna Demblele

Dyers and waste treatment

- Aurélie Helias (Catholic University of the West - Catherine Mouneyrac)

- Bah Fatoumata Aw and Abdoulkadri Toure

Training guides/pinassiers in Mopti

- Sarah Chanel Bonche (University of Tours - IMACOF, Corinne Larrue and Benoit Pin)

- Aboubakar Dolo

Documentary and bibliographical inventory of the tangible and intangible heritage of the river Niger

- Sixtine Jaureguiberry and Anaïs Vienot (Catholic University of the West, Claire Giraud-Labalte)

- Nouhoum Kone



Further information:

Niger-Loire project, "governance and culture"



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