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  • Support by the MAE for the Rivers to Rivers Loire – Niger – Mekong Co-operation Project

Support by the MAE for the Rivers to Rivers Loire – Niger – Mekong Co-operation Project

Published on 28 August 2007 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 17 ans

This project, aimed at « territorial management and conservation of river corridor heritage » has received the support of the Foreign Ministry in the form of a grant of 286,500 euros over three years (2007-2009).

The Rivers to Rivers Loire-Niger-Mekong Co-operation Project aims to develop a policy and tools for territorial management in rivers corridors that will respect their natural and cultural heritage.

The main features of the project are:
- a federal approach by local authorities working in partnership, involving joint responsibility for decentralised cooperative action focused on territories in the river corridor
- development of administrative systems for sustainable development activities aiming at integrated management of the territory
- diffusion and exchange of information and know-how with a view to emulation.



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