Subscription for the restoration of the church of Jargueau

Published on 08 January 2009 - Updated 04 August 2015
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 15 ans

Jargueau town council in partnership with the heritage foundation has launched a subscription appealing for donations for the preservation of its church.


The Saint-Etienne church, listed "Inventaire Supplémentaire des Monuments Historiques (Historic Monuments additional inventory) » since 1932, needs large scale restoration works soon to ensure its stability, to keep it free from water and outside air (repair of roof and supporting structure) and to treat the moisture and water infiltration problems.


Extra ct of the appeal :


«  Monument soaring up towards the sky, landmark for walkers, time reference for those at work, our church welcomes believers, people who come to inquire and visitors. A collection of wood, stone and metal, assembled with artistry by our distant ancestors, it has seen the passing of centuries, defying natural and human disasters without moving.


It is the only vestige of our city and its distant past, because the first stone was laid in the 4th Century. It changed appearance three times, seeing the growth of the walls and the water flowing in the ditches. Three bridges succeeded each other before it , and thousands of boats have saluted it.

Believers or admirers, we wish to preserve our only historical heritage. As with everything on this planet, the y ears have taken their toll »


Download the subscription form (PDF, 320 Ko)

Gifts are deductible from income tax for a value of 66% of the gift with an upper limit of 20% of taxable income or from wealth tax for a value of 75% of the gift with an upper limit of 50,000 €.

For businesses, gifts are deductible from corporation tax for a value of 60% of the gift with an upper limit of 5 o/ oo  of the sales after tax.

Information  :

Mairie de Jargeau

Place du Grand Cloître

45150 Jargeau

Tel : 02 38 59 70 39



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