Feedback on the 2015 Local Authority Encounters

Published on 30 November 2015 - Updated 14 December 2015
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 8 ans

The encounters, organised at inter-départemental level in October 2015 by Mission Val de Loire, brought together 101 of the inscribed site’s stakeholders involved in preservation and promotion of heritage and landscapes. They participated in the Management Plan’s Guideline 9: “Assist decision-makers with advice and constant guidance". Spatial planning, the Resources Portal and “Living on the water’s edge” were also on the agenda.

Who was there? 

  • 27 local authority officials
  • 16 local authority and State employees
  • 18 spatial planning, landscape and heritage professionals
  • 20 community representatives
  • 9 members of the Mission Val de Loire team
  • 4 members of Mission Val de Loire’s Scientific and Professional Council
  • 2 academics
  • and 5 other participants


UNESCO inscription and spatial planning

What approach should be adopted in order to take full account of Outstanding Universal Value? To answer this question, a range of expert viewpoints and sharing ideas in the field succeeded one another, with one meeting based on the municipality of Fontevraud-l’Abbaye’s experiences and Grand Saumurois’ SCoT, and the other on the City and Conurbation of Blois. 

On the web:

Objective for 2016: A Loire Valley World Heritage Resources portal

A project promoted by Mission Val de Loire, the Resources portal will be incorporated into the website and structured to facilitate meetings and networks of actors already set up by the Mission. 

It is designed as a tool serving local stakeholders

  • A tool for knowledge → facilitating mediation and interpretation of the territory
  • A tool for governance → accompanying action across the territory
  • A tool for work → accompanying day-to-day missions and practices

The workshop enabled collection of feedback from the portal’s future users to assist in its design. The note below gives an idea of progress made so far. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact Mission Val de Loire on


Ligerian “Living at the Water’s Edge” Laboratory

The scheme’s partners presented the approaches taken and projects drafted in 7 municipalities by students in higher education institutions working alongside Loire Valley urban-planning agencies. 

On this website:

Rencontre des collectivités locales 2015 - Blois
Rencontres des collectivités locales 2015 - Fontevraud



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