Recap on the 2016 Mediation Meetings

Published on 08 June 2016 - Updated 02 November 2016
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 8 ans

In late April/early May 2016, Mission Val de Loire organised the 4th Loire Valley World Heritage Site Mediation Meetings in Sainte-Gemmes-sur-Loire, La Riche and Orleans. 139 stakeholders in heritage and landscape mediation, local government officials and technicians alike, from the realms of culture and tourism, along with communication officers, gathered together to share information on their activities and contribute to joint construction of tools and programmes at the service of World Heritage.

Two workshops


Participants in the workshop on the “new rules for using UNESCO emblems and logos” included local authority communication professionals. The workshop helped create fresh impetus in communicating on the site’s inscription on the World Heritage List. 

On this website:

The workshop on the Loire Valley World Heritage site resource portal asked participants to put forward suggestions on improving and enriching the future portal’s “knowledge” component. 

On this website:

Following a cocktail buffet lunch that gave participants an opportunity to make contact and exchange experiences with one another informally, the afternoon was devoted to the theme of the garden. 

On the way to a cultural season for 2017

Mission Val de Loire presented its draft project for the 2017 cultural season, drawing on the experience of previous seasons organised in partnership with the Loire Châteaux network and centred on the themes of Anne of Brittany and Frances I. The latter had also called on the participation of other interest groups. The theme selected for 2017 is “the garden”. 

Drawing inspiration from project testimonies and examples, small-group discussions produced a wealth of ideas on possible programming

Each day ended with a visit to the host town’s gardens

  • Mediterranean garden and presbytery garden in Sainte-Gemmes-sur-Loire
  • Saint-Cosme Priory garden in La Riche
  • La Source Floral Park in Orleans

On this website:

Photo gallery:

Galerie photos Rencontre de la médiation 2016 - Ste Gemmes/Loire
Galerie photos Rencontre de la médiation 2016 - La Riche
La Riche
Galerie photos Rencontre de la médiation 2016 - Orléans



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