Restorations of furniture in the Loire Châteaux

Published on 31 August 2016 - Updated 02 November 2016
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 7 ans

Following its restoration, the wall hanging depicting the story of Psyche has been on display in the King’s bedchamber at Château de Sully-sur-Loire since 21 July 2016. Two paintings that were restored earlier this year are now back in place this summer at Château de Brissac.

The ‘Psyche’ wall hanging is made up of four warp-tapestry sections dating from the 17th century. Up until 2014, they were hung in the office of the First President of Orleans’ Court of Appeal. Scientific and technical monitoring of their restoration and removal was entrusted to Gilles Blieck, Curator of Historical Monuments. 

The omnipresent portraits encountered by visitors to Château de Brissac bear witness to the role the family played in the history of France. The present Marquis of Brissac is committed to continuing their restoration: some twenty hanging in the Great Gallery, out of the 70 or so paintings, have been restored over the last 10 years. 

The first of the two most recently restored portraits depicts Jean-Paul-Timoléon, 7th Duke of Brissac and the family’s 4th Marshal of France (died 1780), while the second is of Louise de Malide, wife of the 9th Duke of Brissac, Prefect under the Empire, painted in 1800 by Nicolas André Monsiau. 

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