Restoration of the Grande Perspective at Chambord

Published on 20 September 2018 - Updated 26 October 2018
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 5 ans

Following the restoration of its “jardins à la française” (French formal gardens), the Château de Chambord has now restored its Grande perspective Nord (North Grand Vista). Made possible thanks to the support of AXA France, this reinstatement is part of a whole series of works and improvements at Chambord in the run-up to its 500th anniversary in 2019.

The Grande Perspective, 4.5 kilometres long, crosses the château from North to South along the central axis on which its famous double helix staircase is located. The restoration work on the North vista involved the demolition of the tarred roadways of the François I route, from the François I circle to the “fer à cheval” (horseshoe area). These roads have been replaced with side-alleys that exactly follow the alignment of the two borders of the French formal gardens. The other spaces have been filled with greenery. 

From the château, the revegetation of the North axis made it possible to restore the vista in the direction of the Loire. The requalification of the fer à cheval has allowed it to be used by both pedestrians and cyclists and helped facilitate exploration of the Grande Promenade and the restructuring of the vista. 

This work was carried out following the restoration of the French formal gardens in spring 2017. The estate started a number of external and improvement work projects in 2018 with the aim of giving visitors a new view of the monument for its 500th birthday celebrations in 2019, as part of the “500 years of RenaissanceS” celebrations in Centre-Val de Loire. 




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