A historic UN resolution advocating the protection of heritage

Published on 05 April 2017 - Updated 23 June 2017
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 7 ans

Resolution 2347 is the first resolution focusing exclusively on cultural heritage to be adopted by the Security Council. The unanimous support for this resolution reflects new recognition of the importance of protecting cultural heritage for peace and security.

"The deliberate destruction of heritage is a war crime, it has become a tactic of war to tear societies over the long term, in a strategy of cultural cleansing.", stated Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO. 

"Building peace requires culture also; it requires education, prevention, and the transmission of heritage." 

It marked the first time a Director-General of UNESCO has been invited to brief the members of the UN Security Council during a public session. The briefing was held at the initiative of France and Italy and under the Presidency of the United Kingdom. 




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