2008 conferences on French World Heritage Property

Published on 18 September 2008 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 16 ans

The 6th conferences on French World Heritage Property will be held on 16 and 17 October 2008 by the City of Le Havre on the subject of Town Planning and Modern and Contemporary Architecture.


On 16 October, speeches, a round table and visits will take place on the following subjects:
- Town planning and World Heritage
- Vauban fortifications:  management complexity and challenges (following their inscription on the World Heritage List last July)
- Towards recognition
On 17 October, the general assembly of the Association of French World Heritage Properties will be the Association's opportunity to take stock of the work of its three commissions: Management plans, communication and international relations.

As part of the Conferences, and to mark the 20 th anniversary of the inscription of Grande-Île, on 5 December the City of
Strasbourg , in collaboration with the Association, will hold an international symposium entitled " How to develop historic centres?"

A UNESCO-Vocations patrimoine fellowship student serving the Association of French Properties
Designed to improve the managerial skills of the managers of World Heritage sites, the UNESCO - Vocations patrimoine fellowship programme was launched in 2006 as an extension to a partnership between the UNESCO World Heritage Centre, the Vocations patrimoine NGO and its partners Axa and Mazars. On 5 November 2007 , a special one-off "France top choice" prize was awarded, in the presence of minister of culture and communication Mrs Catherine Alabanel, in order to support the new Association of French World Heritage Properties.

Sophie Eberhardt, currently studying for a Masters in World Heritage Management at
University College , Dublin , will therefore be working for the Association from October 2008, for a period of one year, so that she can complete the practical element of her course with an example of network management and gain knowledge in the field.  Throughout her fellowship period, Sophie Eberhardt will be working with Mission Val de Loire, which currently holds the secretariat of the Association.



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