Meetings of the French World Heritage Properties Association, 2014

Published on 02 July 2014 - Updated 11 July 2014
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 10 ans

On 5 and 6 June 2014, representatives of properties inscribed on the World Heritage List, along with their institutional partners, gathered in Chartres for 2 days of exchanges around the association’s general assembly.

Speeches by representatives of the State and the association emphasised the complementarity, even symbiosis of their actions, with much work being carried out in partnership and listed sites’ managers incited to share their experiences with candidate sites. Two-voice State-Manager presentations on governance issues reflected the collaboration. 

The general assembly approved the partnership agreement with the Grands sites de France network, with which relations had already been established. 

Upcoming activities include an international seminar on governance of listed sites, planned for 2015. 

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