Renaissance of the vine in La Roche de Mûrs

Published on 31 May 2013 - Updated 10 June 2013
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 11 ans

On the advice of the Regional Directorate for the Environment, Development and Housing (DREAL) the town of Mûrs-Érigné would like to enhance the exceptional site of La Roche de Mûrs by rehabilitating a 3.56 ha plot of land with vines to restore its former appearance. It called on two local vinegrowers, Maurice Forest and Marc Houtin, to cultivate vines once again on a plot of land that was once, indeed, a vineyard.

The objective is to enhance this site, included in the Loire Valley World Heritage, and popular among visitors thanks to the footpaths criss-crossing it. Replacing the invasive fallow land with vines fulfils this objective in keeping with the local identity. Located in the Coteaux de l'Aubance Protected Designation of Origin (AOC in French) area, the plot will be planted with the Chenin grape variety and farmed organically. 

Once the land had been bought back in 2009 and a study carried out with students from the School of Agriculture in Angers in 2010, the plot was seeded with rye to prepare the ground. The plantations are planned for the 1st half of 2013. These will involve those members of the local population wishing to take part, so that the municipality's inhabitants can be a part of this land that is their own. 

By planting vines in 2013, La Roche de Mûrs should see young shoots of Chenin Blanc appearing on its hilltop and the first special vintage wine of organic Coteaux de l’Aubance from La Roche de Mûrs should be available for tasting in 2016. 



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