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Perspectives on the Loire Valley: a call for expressions of interest in revealing the cultural landscape

Published on 23 May 2019 - Updated 18 June 2019
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 5 ans

The Mission Val-de-Loire World Heritage, in partnership with the Centre-Val-de-Loire and Pays-de-la Loire Regions, is launching a call for expressions of interest in supporting the development of projects for exploring and understanding Loire Valley cultural landscapes that are included in the UNESCO World Heritage list.

This call for expressions of interest(AMI) aims to promote and support the emergence of landscape development projects (viewpoints, etc.) within the UNESCO perimeter, along the Loire cycle route. These projects are to form part of the Loire Valley World Heritage’s development initiative on heritage, the natural environment, tourism and culture. 

The AMI makes it possible to identify communities wishing to involve themselves in development schemes and to benefit from the engineering services provided by the Mission Val-de-Loire, its partners or via specialist project management services.  

Do you have a Loire viewpoint project in mind? Do you wish to benefit from support for your project?  

> To state your interest, simply complete the online questionnaire: https://forms.gle/9Bu7h4ADvdfUs4cYA  

*** Date limite : mercredi 31 juillet 2019 *** 

Who is it aimed at?

This call for expressions of interestis open tolocal and regional communities within the Unesco-listed area (communes, towns, communities of communes, regional councils, etc.).  

The environmental dimension

Given the natural and cultural value of these sites, an awareness of the environment is an essential element in the implementation of projects.  

Various points will need to be addressed: 

  • The integrity of the planning and development process regarding  social and environmental criteria;
  • The manufacturing process;
  • The source of the materials used;
  • The impact of the construction on its environment;
  • The way in which the development is to be managed, etc.

A seminar in September to launch the operation

A seminar will be organised on 12 September in Blois. This will be an opportunity to appreciate the seamless link between representations, applications and developments on the banks of the Loire, to present similar approaches and to launch the operation entitled "Perspectives on the Loire Valley” with communities wishing to become involved.  

The following steps should enable each of the communities wishing to become involved to choose their project manager and launch their project (project design, and development and monitoring of the works contract).  

A photographic observatory for measuring the evolution of landscapes

The viewpoints selected under the call for expressions of interestmay form the subject of a photographic observatory. This will help evaluate changes in the Loire Valley landscape and raise awareness of the implications of these changes.  

The use of a photo observatory could form part of a participatory dynamic involving the local population, associations and schools (with support from the Mission Val-de-Loire and its partners).  

Other awareness-raising initiatives could also be envisaged at the various viewpoints (educational workshops, landscape evaluation, etc.).  

Available downloads


Bruno Marmiroli, directeur de la Mission Val de Loire
marmiroli@mission-valdeloire.fr - 02 47 66 06 63 



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