Territorial reconfiguration 2016

Published on 07 April 2016 - Updated 18 April 2016
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 8 ans

France is seeing creation of new municipalities and inter-municipality groups nationwide. On 1 January 2016, the Loire Valley World Heritage site saw the the creation of 4 new municipalities in Maine-et-Loire and the merger of two communities of municipalities in Loir-et-Cher. The listed site now contains 191 local government bodies.

3 new municipalities

The new municipality of Loire-Authion replaces the Vallée-Loire-Authion community of municipalities. It comprises 7 delegated municipalities: Andard, Bauné, Brain-sur-l’Authion, Corné, La Bohalle, La Daguenière and Saint-Mathurin-sur-Loire. The municipality of La Ménitré has joined the Beaufort-en-Anjou community of municipalities. 

The new municipality of Gennes-Val de Loire comprises 5 delegated municipalities: Chênehutte-Treves-Cunault, Gennes, Grézillé, Le Thoureil and Saint-Georges-des-Sept-Voix. 

The municipalities of Blaison-Gohier and Saint-Sulpice have been grouped together in the new municipality of Blaison-Saint-Sulpice

The municipalities of Saint-Aubin-de-Luigné and Saint-Lambert-du-Lattay have been grouped together in the new municipality of Val-du-Layon

On the web:

Merger of 2 communities of municipalities 

The Beauce Val de Loire community of municipalities came into being on 1 January 2016, born of the merger of the Beauce et Forêt communities of municipalities and Beauce Ligérienne community of municipalities.
It comprises 33 municipalities in all, 7 of which are on the listed site, all of them previously members of the Beauce Ligérienne community of municipalities: Avaray, Cour-sur-Loire, Courbouzon, Lestiou, Mer, Muides-sur-Loire and Suèvres. 



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