Improvement works on the Sentier des Prés in Olivet

Published on 18 January 2012 - Updated 25 January 2012
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 13 ans

Carried out in 2011, these were part of the Orléans urban area initiative to protect its natural riches, footpaths and towpaths, particularly running along the banks of the Loire and Loiret rivers - which are listed as UNESCO World Heritage sites.

Entrusted by AgglO to the landscape architect Anne Velche and consultancy firm Merlin, these works focused primarily on looking after and refreshing the tree vegetation, stabilising the banks, restoring the surface of the most frequently used footpaths (600 m) and replacing equipment and furniture (benches, rubbish bins and lighting) to boost the site's appeal. 

Presentation by the landscape architect Anne Velche: 




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