Photo Rally 2016

Published on 08 February 2016 - Updated 18 February 2016
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 9 ans

The Loir-et-Cher’s Maison de la Loire is holding a photo rally to mark its 30th birthday. Participants have to photograph all the Loire treasures on the rally list, giving them an opportunity to get out and about on the river and keep a watchful eye out to (re)discover the river’s natural and cultural heritage. Registration is obligatory, with the deadline set for the end of March 2016.

The rally will take place from March to August 2016 as some species are only to be seen at specific times of year 

The first 5 participants to have photographed all the treasures on the list will win a twilight descent of the river in their own private canoe, in the company of a “nature” guide, enabling them to get to know the river in the bewitching light of the setting sun and acquaint themselves with its nocturnal fauna, the beaver in particular. 

The next 5 will each win a book on our river

On the web:



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