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The “Val de Loire patrimoine mondial et aménagement du territoire” (Loire Valley world heritage and regional planning) practical guide is now online

Published on 20 November 2017 - Updated 18 October 2019
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 6 ans

The aim of this guide is to share a method for taking into account world heritage issues prior to any formative intervention in the region. It stems from an initiative developed jointly with the local authorities of the listed property.

The “Val de Loire patrimoine mondial et aménagement du territoire” practical guide brings together four years of testing carried out jointly by Mission Val de Loire and partner local authorities, in connection with the State departments.  

These tests have resulted in an initiative for taking into account the Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) of UNESCO properties in all protection, planning and programme measures and in all projects, on the basis of better understanding of their characteristics and with the participation of inhabitants and users.  

This guide is your toolbox with explanatory videos, examples and plenty of links to the Loire Valley World Heritage resource portal to find out more information.  


  1. The initiative
  2. The landscape plan
  3. The listed site
  4. The remarkable heritage site (SPR)
  5. The territorial coherency plan (SCOT)
  6. The local urban development plan (PLU)
  7. The heritage project
  8. The heritage impact analysis
  9. The Loire Valley cultural landscapes

Download the guide  



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