Over 120 stakeholders get together to promote the Loire à Vélo brand

Published on 07 April 2010 - Updated 30 July 2015
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 14 ans

More than 120 Loire à Vélo-labelled service-providers flocked to the first get-togethers for stakeholders of the brand on Tuesday 30th March 2010 at Château de Villandry.


The participants were welcomed by Henri Carvallo, who owns Château de Villandry, Cécile Bonneau, Tourism Director of the Centre Region, Yveline Batard, Head of the Tourist Developments Unit of the Pays de la Loire Region, and Dominique Tremblay, Director of the Val de Loire Mission.
The morning was given over to finding out about the initiatives taken by the institutional stakeholders:
  • Developments, stop areas and Information Service Points
  • Communication/promotion and presentation of visitor numbers in 2009
  • Distribution of the Loire à Vélo brand
  • Information on the Loire à Vélo 2010 survey 



After lunch, the account of Sylvie Palpant, Director of Vélo Loisirs in Lubéron, represented the viewpoint of a professional group of this type of project.



Then, two workshops gave participants the chance to discuss:
  • How to improve the services for cycling tourists?
  • How to pool communication initiatives?
Join the Loire à Vélo brand (Contact : Céline Réveillard, Mission Val de Loire)


La Loire à Vélo
Ouest-France – 31/03/2010
TVTours – 31/03/2010
Discover the World Heritage site by bike



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