Management plan: the local authorities are deliberating

Published on 28 March 2012 - Updated 20 April 2012
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 12 ans

During the information meetings of February-March 2012, the site's local councillors have discussed the stakes involved in protecting the outstanding universal value (OUV) of the Unesco site and the good practices already in place in terms of planning and development. Jean-Pierre Tressard, sub-Prefect of Chinon and Loire Valley policy officer, asked them to deliberate in favour of the listed site's Management Plan between now and June. Several deliberations have already been adopted.

Rundown of the information and exchange days

Initiated by the Centre Region Prefect and Presidents of the Centre and Pays de la Loire Regions and organised by the Mission Val de Loire, these day events brought together representatives from 75 municipalities and 12 "Pays" and urban area or municipality communities. The County Councils, Loire-Anjou-Touraine Regional Natural Park, associations and professionals of the landscape also took part – making a total of over 250 Loire Valley stakeholders. 

You can find the presentations on this website, followed shortly by the summary of each information day's exchanges

On this website

Deliberations among the listed site's authorities

Since our last update at the end of February, new deliberations have been approved by the Loire Valley local councillors to commit to the management plan. 

The City of Blois, which hosted the information day on 23 February, was as such the first important city to deliberate on 14 March 2012: Deliberation on the City of Blois Management Plan

Regional council


Pays de la Loire 

Interregional structures

Mission Val de Loire 

Loire-Anjou-Touraine regional natural park 

Urban area or municipality communities

Maine-et-Loire: Loire Aubance municipality community 


Loiret: Dry, Lailly-en-Val, Ouvrouer-les-Champs, Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire, Saint-Martin-d'Abbat 

Loir-et-Cher: Blois, Chouzy-sur-Cisse, Monteaux, Muides-sur-Loire 

Indre-et-Loire: Azay-le-Rideau, Ballan-Miré, Bréhémont, Candes-Saint-Martin, Couziers, La Riche, Mosnes, Rigny-Ussé, Saint-Aubin-de-Luigné, Saint-Michel-sur-Loire, Saint-Patrice, Savigny-en-Véron, Seuilly, Villandry 

Maine-et-Loire: La Bohalle, La Possonnière, Rochefort-sur-Loire, Saint-Saturnin-sur-Loire 

Other deliberations are expected very shortly. 

On this website




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