Plan Loire IV (2014-2020)

Published on 29 January 2014 - Updated 13 April 2015
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 10 ans

The plans Loire I to III will have led to a coherent policy being carried out in the Loire basin in terms of flood risk prevention, preservation of aquatic environments and highlighting heritage. The plan Loire IV has a new ambition corresponding to a twenty year strategy, that is, up to 2035, consisting of three seven-year plans. It is the tool of a policy shared by the State and the communities and institutional or associative parties involved in the Loire basin.

During the 12th conference of the different parties, the strategy of the plan Loire (strategy ‘2035’ and plan Loire IV) was presented and discussed, as was the new version of the FEDER Loire 2014-2020 Operational Programme.  

Strategy 2035 for the Loire basin is based on four strategic guidelines:  

  • Reduce the negative consequences of floods in the region
  • Restore aquatic environments to a more natural state
  • Develop, promote and share knowledge on the basin
  • Integrate the natural and cultural heritage into the sustainable development of valleys

Some of the actions implemented are based on a Contract of Interregional state regions project (CPIER), which will follow the same schedule as the CPER. 


Preparation of the CPER Centre

The plan contracts are the privileged tool of the contractual relationship between the State and the Region. They convey the priorities shared by the State, the Region and other communities.  

To prepare the State-Region plan contract 2014 – 2020, the State and the Centre region have organised a wide consultation among citizens and relevant parties in order to gather their suggestions and desires for the development of the regional land. 




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