Pays de la Loire: working towards a regional project for the Loire

Published on 10 November 2011 - Updated 23 November 2011
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 12 ans

For several months now, the Pays de la Loire region’s partners have been getting together to talk about the Loire, its culture and environment, whilst also touching on the economy. At the Forum: review of the “Loire and the estuary” workshop, on 13 October 2011, it was announced that a global project on the outcome of these talks is to be completed by mid-2012.

“The Loire is listed in the Pays de la Loire ADN. This is a significant marker of its identity. This marker is not promoted, valued or exploited nearly enough, however great the economic, industrial or human challenges. From now on we must have a shared vision of these challenges.” - Jean-Pierre le Scornet, substitute president of the Region 

A dozen or so actions to be taken emerged from the different talks, including the following: 

  • The Loire, the backbone of the territory and what links its inhabitants together:
    • Enhance the promotion of Loire valley culture by means of markers and viewpoints right the way along the river, showcasing and informing, spinning dreams around the Loire; 
    • Set up a Loire development council, a forum for dialogue and player coordination.
  • The Loire, a living river, a precious resource 
    • Preserve the quality of the water and seek to achieve sedimentary balance (circulation of sediments and hydraulic functioning)
    • Make the Loire easier to navigate, without denaturation. 
  • Landscapes, an architecture, a history and a culture to be promoted 
    • Promote the territory and develop tourism: historic site know-how and quality networks
    • Extend application of the UNESCO site management plan principle. 

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