Publications and fine books

Published on 29 November 2012 - Updated 07 December 2012
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 12 ans

This time of year is the opportunity for many publications on the Loire Valley and world heritage.

“Martin de Tours, un saint européen”

The story of Saint-Martin, a man of faith before becoming a saint, is closely tied in with that of Tours and the Loire Valley. In this publication from the "Les Patrimoines" collection, we follow this tireless traveller and evangelist across Europe, but it is in Tours, and more specifically Marmoutier, that Martin finds his full spiritual dimension. 

É ditions La Nouvelle République  


“Les Châteaux de la Loire au fil des siècles”

Jean Vassort, a history teacher with the highest teaching qualification and Doctor of the State, offers an extensive summary of the history of the Loire Châteaux, considered as a uniform and coherent set forming part of a civilisation. 

Éditions Perrin  

376 pages, €23 

“Navigations intérieures”

After a long eclipse, French boating is making a comeback at the very heart of our societies. In all regions, rivers and canals are being showcased, restored and renovated. They are winning over economic, tourism and sports stakeholders and sometimes becoming popular areas to live too. Bernard Le Sueur offers a synthesis here to present the main facts about boating that has, in itself, shaped the history of France. 

Editions Glénat  

240 pages, €45.50 

UNESCO World Heritage Atlas

To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the World Heritage Convention, UNESCO and Éditions Atlas, working closely with mapping specialists, are publishing a reference work listing all of the protected sites around the world. 

UNESCO publishing / Editions Atlas 

300 pages, €45 

World Heritage 2013 Desk Diary

Featuring a useful week-at-a-glance design, the Desk Diary is illustrated with colour photos of World Heritage sites, each accompanied with a short caption. 

UNESCO publishing  



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