New at CAUEs

Published on 04 February 2015 - Updated 11 February 2015
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 9 ans

Councils for Architecture, Town Planning and the Environment (CAUEs) offer advice to local government officials and inhabitants, regularly developing new services and tools to this end: periodical with accompanying guide in Loiret, training courses in Loir-et-Cher and dedicated office hours in Indre-et-Loire.

SCoT: an educational guide


Produced by CAUE45 to accompany the Montargois-en-GâtinaisTerritorial Coherence Scheme (SCoT), the guide is designed to accompany procedures for drafting SCoTs, including educational content clarifying and contextualising the vocabulary and concepts employed in such spatial planning initiatives. It is aimed at local government officials, local inhabitants and territorial actors alike. 



It pays particular attention to four thematic areas:  

  • land economy and urban intensification,
  • village borders and city limits,
  • nature in towns,
  • centralities and multipolarities.


On the web:

Introduction to urban planning

CAUE41 is holding two training sessions in partnership with the Loir-et-Cher Mayors’ Association: 

  • A historical approach to urban planning and its tools (Friday 13 March 2015, 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Huisseau sur Cosson)
  • Spatial planning tools and examples of their implementation (Thursday 26 March 2015, 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Saint-Sulpice)


On the web:

Advice to decentralised individuals

Since January 2015, CAUE37 has allocated continuous office hours to providing private individuals with advice on their building, rehabilitation and development projects, decentralised across the département

  • Tours (every Wednesday)
  • Loches (1st Thursday of each month)
  • Chinon (1st Monday of each month)
  • Amboise (2nd Monday of each month)
  • Chateau-Renault (2nd Tuesday of each month)


On the web:



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