Master class UNESCO "SHARE OUR HERITAGES" (SOH) 22-26 January 2006

Published on 20 December 2005 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 18 ans

The "SHARE OUR HERITAGES" (SOH) PROJECT is a program of advanced studies in heritage management supported by the World Heritage Centre and created by funding from the European Commission and the Australian government. It is based on the exchange of student between four universities in Australia (DU Deakin, Melbourne, USW, Sydney, CDU, Darwin et CUT, Curtin, Perth) and four in the European Union (Brandenburg Technical University Cottbus, Germany, University College Dublin, Ireland, KUL Leuven Centre Raymond Lemaire, Belgium and the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain).

Every year from 2006 to 2008, 20 Australian students (5 from each university) will be subsidised to study for one full-time semester in a partner European university, and 20 European students will also receive a subsidy to study for one full-time semester in one of the partner universities in Australia. They will also attend two Master Classes: the first one will take place at the UNESCO World Heritage Centre, Paris, and in the Val de Loire, at the end of January; the second Master Class will take place at the Kakadu World Heritage site, Australia, at the end of July. A total of 120 students will thus benefit from the program.

During the first week in Paris (17-21 January 2006), the students will have the opportunity to exchange views with specialists of the World heritage Centre. Field work will also be organized at various heritage sites in Paris.

The Val de Loire part of the Master Class (22-26 January 2006) will aim at echoing the later experience of the Kakadu Master Class in Australia, focusing on site management, the part played by elected officials and the implication of local authorities in the Val de Loire. Students will learn how to read and interpret the Val de Loire as a cultural landscape and a natural site, dealing with such issues as biodiversity, invasive species, water and river management, troglodytes and risk management, site enhancement…

Students and accompanying staff will be accommodated at the Fontevraud Royal Abbey during their stay in val de Loire. Field trips, workshops and meetings with local stakeholders will be organized.



SOH Program



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