Marie Liberos, artist-in-residence at La Colombière

Published on 12 July 2019 - Updated 03 September 2019
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 5 ans

Marie Liberos, a painter and visual artist living in Tours, is the current artist-in residence at La Colombière (Gennes-Val-de-Loire). Over a six-week period, she will be exhibiting her pictorial and documentary works which offer a sensitive view of the Loire Valley’s cultural landscape.

For some time now, Marie Liberos has been working on her expression of the fragile and changeable nature of natural landscapes. Focusing on the Loire Valley landscape led her to apply for the post of artist-in-residence at La Colombière. Although Marie Liberos employs a number of different creative techniques in her work, draughtsmanship is always in evidence.  

Consequently, since the beginning of July she has been painting the same landscape from the same location every day, to which she adds scientific records (time, weather conditions, air and water temperatures, wind speed, and the flow rate and level of the water).   

Marie Liberos - Résidence d artistes2019 - La Colombière

From New moon to another - Day 5 First quarter – 11.30 am sunny – air 27° C – water 26° C – Average wind speed: 8 km/h – Water flow rate: 107.43 m3/s - Height of the Loire: -0.53 m - © Marie Liberos 

She keeps a log on her Facebook page where she publishes photos of her creative ritual:  

Marie Liberos was born in Paris in 1986. She lives and works in Tours. 

Her works will be exhibited at La Colombière during the European Heritage Days (21 and 22 September). 

The La Colombière Artist’s Residency is the result of a partnership between the French Institute, Mission Val-de-Loire and the municipality of Gennes-Val-de-Loire (Maine-et-Loire département). Its purpose is to offer a creative residency dedicated to the cultural landscape of the Loire Valley and its representations. Further details . 



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