Results of preventive archaeological research available online

Published on 19 September 2011 - Updated 14 October 2011
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 12 ans

As part of its work on restituting the results of preventive archaeological research, INRAP is putting all the documents it produces online at, along with latest news on discoveries made and its events calendar. The 1300 and more summary sheets presenting the sites excavated by INRAP are regularly added to. Sites excavated on the Val de Loire listed World Heritage site are now also available on the interactive map at

 Interactive atlases 

Among the multimedia files available online, the interactive atlases of Tours and Orleans present the full range of archaeological knowledge acquired over the last forty or more years. “From Caesarodunum to Tours – Archaeology of the City of Tours”, created in partnership with Tours University’s “Cities, territories, environment and societies” Mixed Research Unit, and “Orleans, 40 years of preventive archaeology” present twenty centuries of history buried beneath the ground under our feet, through interactive maps giving access to fully illustrated information sheets and complemented by historical and theme-based summaries, video reports and 3D recreations. 

On this website:

 About INRAP

With a staff of some 2000 employees and researchers, INRAP (Institut National de Recherches Archéologiques Préventives – National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research) is the largest archaeological research body in France, and one of the leading institutes of its kind in Europe. The Institute carries out most of its archaeological diagnoses and digs in partnership with public and private developers – over 2000 projects a year in Metropolitan and Overseas France. It is also active in scientific exploitation of results obtained and in dissemination of archaeological knowledge among the public at large. 

On the web:



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