Les Mystérieux Mystères insolubles nos 3 & 4

Published on 27 September 2013 - Updated 18 October 2013
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 11 ans

In September, the Inventory Directorate of the Centre Region published two new books in its collection for young people, through the L’atelier du poisson company. Châteaux and George Sand play the starring roles in these new investigations.

La Malédiction du maléfice maudit

When several sightings of a ghost looking uncannily like George Sand are reported around the Berry region, Klutch and his team are called to offer their assistance.
The investigation will naturally begin at Nohant cemetery, for it is only by unearthing the writer’s coffin that we can be absolutely sure she is well and truly dead… 

40 pages, €15 

Le Mychtère du château dichparu

A fireplashe at Château de Chaumont-chur-Loire, the chapel of Château d’Amboishe and the curtains at Azhay-le-Rideau have dishapeared. Very myshterioushly of course…
Luckily, Klutch and his loyal confederates are already following a lead... 

40 pages, €15 




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