Murs-Érigné, winning candidate for the 2017 call for proposals "Landscape Plans"

Published on 08 December 2017 - Updated 05 February 2018
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 7 ans

The application submitted by the town of Mûrs-Érigné (Maine-et-Loire) was selected as the winning project for the "2017 Landscape Plans" call for proposals. The municipality presented an ambitious programme, both in terms of the stakes outlined and the proposed methodological approach, which intends to bring together residents, diverse stakeholders, local elected representatives and project leaders around a genuine territory-wide project.

The territory in question

There are three levels to the basic landscape framework within which Mûrs-Érigné is located – Loire Valley / urban area / vine-planted hillsides – and this itself breaks down into myriad landscape units conveying both the natural and human factors that have had a hand in shaping them. 

Mûrs-Érigné also lies at the gateway of the Angers Loire Métropole urban area, one of whose ambitions (outlined in its 2016-2030 Territorial Project) is to enhance the living environment of this territory. 

The municipality provides a 360° view of its environment: a confluence reflecting the diversity of its landscapes and stakeholders (residents, farmers, vinegrowers, in rural and urban areas alike) who are all concerned by the changes affecting their landscapes. 

Stakes and projects of the Landscape Plan

In connection with the Loire Valley's inclusion on the Unesco World Heritage List and listed site status of La Roche de Mûrs, the municipality is committed to efforts aimed at safeguarding and enhancing the Outstanding Universal Value (O.U.V.) of its landscapes. 

The Landscape Plan looks to be one of the best ways to unite citizens around a territory-wide project and come up with a shared action programme as far as landscape quality is concerned. 

The existing stakes to be upheld: 

  • interpret and showcase the Outstanding Universal Value on World Heritage plots;
  • enhance the landscape via the main itineraries (requalification of Unesco town entry points, landscape quality and opening up of viewpoints along through roads, etc.);
  • integrate urban development into the basic landscape framework of the territory with highlighting and visibility of built heritage, incorporation of building work concerning urban restructuring and approaches taken regarding the edges of residential areas, business and craft estates.
  • build the landscape of tomorrow by supporting the development of key sectors in landscape terms on the territory;
  • enable as many people as possible to access landscapes and nature.

Some stakes to be developed and prioritised: 

  • safeguard and restore the defining value of each landscape unit;
  • unite residents, diverse stakeholders, local elected representatives and project leaders around their aspirations regarding the landscape characteristics of their living environment;
  • give everyone the opportunity – whatever their age and competence – of expressing their views and playing a collective part in developing a shared project and of personally growing, with access to a landscape culture, thereby forging the link between heritage wealth and landscape.
  • take on board the relationships between the valley, the hillsides and the urban area.

Planned methodological approach and governance

The municipality of Mûrs-Érigné has been strongly committed for some years now to innovative governance methods, not least those concerning sustainable regional development. The method of governance proposed for this landscape plan will be no different, with the various stakeholders involved working together (local elected representatives, staff from Sustainable urban planning and development and Communication departments, as well as other departments (Childcare, Tourism and Culture, Population and so on) and partners (Angers Loire Métropole, AURA, DDT, Mission Val de Loire, AGROCAMPUS and lycée agricole du Fresne). 

The project will be conducted according to the "design thinking" approach, 

for it seeks to go beyond the consultation level by actively involving citizens in making joint decisions, and even jointly funding or jointly carrying out the projects. 



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