Europe’s cultural heritage

Published on 01 July 2008 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 16 ans

Two initiatives to highlight: the call for candidacy for the 2009 EU Cultural Heritage Prize is open until 1 October 2008, and a professional day devoted to European cultural cooperation.


Launched in 2002 by the European Commission in the framework of the work of the "Culture Programme", the EU Cultural Heritage Prize is awarded in order to identify and promote best practices in the preservation of material cultural heritage in Europe, to stimulate the exchange of knowledge and experience across Europe, to raise public awareness of European cultural heritage and to encourage a greater number of flagship initiatives by providing examples to be replicated.
To mark the French Presidency, on 10 July 2008 in Avignon Relais Culture Europe (the Cultural Contact Point for France ), the French Ministry of Culture and their partners held a professional day on the role of European cultural cooperation in relation to major European issues. The aim of this day was to build on existing cultural cooperation practices, to highlight their impact (professionally, socially, on citizens, etc.) and to incorporate these challenges into public policies, in the regions for instance.



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