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Heritage takes pride of place in the Tours 10&20K and the Touraine Loire Valley marathon

Published on 26 July 2018 - Updated 02 August 2018
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 5 ans

Tours' running races that will be taking place on 23 September are shining the spotlight on Loire heritage! The new Tours 10&20K route will run alongside the Loire in the north and south and runners will be able to take in some scenic sights through the city's historic neighbourhoods. On the same day, the marathon will head out along the Loire à Vélo cycle path as far as the Villandry Château and gardens.

Tours 10&20K

In a bid to draw more people to this mainstream event, open to all, after two years of dwindling popularity, the new route for the Tours 10&20K will begin and end at Place Anatole France. Runners will cross over the Loire via the Pont Napoléon bridge, passing in front of the Grande Bretèche convent and under the Pont Wilson bridge before reaching Rue Saint Martin and entering the Marmoutier site. The race will continue along a stretch of the Loire à Vélo cycle path before crossing back over the Loire, this time via the Pont Mirabeau bridge. A few kilometres before the finishing line, participants will be able to admire Château de Tours, Saint-Julien Church, Hôtel Gouïn or Saint-Martin Basilica.  

The closing date for registering in the race (which will take place on 23 September) is 12 September.  

Touraine Loire Valley Marathon

Beginning and ending at the same place as the Tours 10&20K, marathon runners will leave the urban route after the 4th kilometre for the "Loire à Vélo" cycle path, running alongside the Cher tributary as far as Savonnières, reaching Villandry's Château and French-style gardens at the half-marathon point. Participants will then return to the Loire banks via Berthenay, Saint-Genouph and La Riche.  

The closing date for registering in the marathon is 31 July. 


Check out the 10&20K route in this video  

The Tours 10&20K  

The Touraine Loire Valley marathon  



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