“Patronage, more opportunities than you can imagine!”

Published on 11 January 2010 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 14 ans

This is the title of the meeting organised by AnCRE (Cultural and Creative Resource Centre in Maine-et-Loire) on patronage on 15th December 2009 and chaired by the Mécène&Loire Foundation and Pays de la Loire Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs.


This painted a picture of patronage as seen through the eyes of company managers and "sponsored" cultural project owners. It also provided information on the Fondation Mécène&Loire, on the "Art, innovation and economy in Anjou" grant and the call for projects to fund visual projects for and on the region of Maine-et-Loire.
Pending the minutes to this meeting, you can consult the press review of this meeting on Ancre's website.
Cultural patronage is also thriving in Touraine
The Indre-et-Loire Chamber of Commerce and Industry has just joined the " club des 100 " which funds the "Femme Loire" project by the Tours local Michel Audiard. This 17-metre tall sculpture house will stand on the banks of the Loire, not far from the A10 motorway in Tours.


Mécène & Loire



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