Leonardo’s garden – Leonardo da Vinci and Nature

Published on 23 July 2008 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 15 ans

True to its mission to promote knowledge of Leonardo da Vinci, in June 2008 the Château du Clos Lucé - Parc Leonardo da Vinci opened “Leonardo’s Garden”. Laid out over a hectare in a unique marshland setting, this landscaped walking site reproduces and brings together the master’s studies and works on botany, geology and water movements.


Designed as an open-air museum somewhere between earth and sky, this new space has been developed to leave no trace in its marshland ecosystem and its remarkable biotope, characteristics of the wetland areas on the banks of the Loire . New life has been breathed into the landscapes of Leonardo da Vinci in a landscaped natural site which is open to visitors.

It is very much a new Leonardo, a naturalist humanist, a visionary observer and landscape artist par excellence which is offered for discovery by "Leonardo's Garden". Until
6 January 2009 , the exhibition on Leonardo da Vinci's view of nature completes your visit.
This new garden and exhibition confirm the desire of the Chateau du Clos Lucé to become a benchmark international site for furthering the knowledge of Leonardo da Vinci to as many people as possible. In 2011, a Cultural and Scientific Institute dedicated to Leonardo da Vinci will be opened in the park.
Further information:
For the green-fingered, the Centre CRT offers for download the guide entitled "Destination Gardens in the Centre Region".



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