Le Val de Loire vu du train (The Loire Valley from the train window)

Published on 15 May 2017 - Updated 23 June 2017
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 7 ans

This mobile app enables users to explore the landscapes and monuments of the Loire Valley from the Orléans-Nantes train line. Mission Val de Loire announced the release of the second version of this mobile app made on behalf of the Pays de la Loire and Centre-Val de Loire Regions, now available for the entire line and in English.

130 heritage discoveries await you, half of which are geolocated. Train passengers are alerted just before the point of interest so they can take a look at the monument or landscape whilst listening to commentaries and interviews by local stakeholders: curators, heritage leaders, scientists, as well as stonecutters, market gardeners and many more besides... 

Texts and images supplement your discoveries so you can continue to learn more at home or over several journeys. 

The app is available from Google Play (Android) and the AppStore (iOS): 


The app contents are also available in the Know section of this site, in particular on the map: http://www.valdeloire.org/Connaitre/Carte  

Landscapes from the motorway

The Waynote app audio describes the landscapes alongside the motorway in real time and suggests places to stop along the way in order to visit the monuments found nearby. It covers the A10 motorway which crosses the Loire Valley. 




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