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  • The Regional Natural Park of Loire-Anjou-Touraine: new charter and new perimeter

The Regional Natural Park of Loire-Anjou-Touraine: new charter and new perimeter

Published on 27 October 2008 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 16 ans

The new 2008-2020 charter was made official on 22nd May 2008 by decree of the Minister for the Environment. It exposes the issues at stake for the territory and the Park's objectives for the next 12 years.


The 2008 - 2020 charter prescribes three areas to work on over 12 years:
- The patrimony for future generations
- Economic development that respects the ecological and human balance
- A responsible and dynamic territory, open to cooperation 
The perimeter of the territory has also been modified allowing 11 new communes to join the park and others to confirm their attachment to the it, now bringing together 141 communes in total. It must be noted that 7 communes have left the Park, 5 voluntarily and 2 through the lack of deliberation and therefore negative deliberation.  



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