Launch of the World Digital Library

Published on 29 April 2009 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 15 ans

On 21 April 2009 at the UNESCO headquarters, UNESCO and 32 partner institutions launched the World Digital Library, a website offering a unique collection of cultural artefacts from libraries and archives all over the world.


Although only 1,338 "artefacts" (manuscripts, maps, books, films, sound recordings and photos) are online for now, the website will in time give free access to materials of our heritage in the form of manuscripts, maps, rare books, films, sound recordings, illustrations and photographs.
The main objectives of the World Digital Library
are as follows: 
  • Promote international and inter-cultural understanding
  • Expand the volume and diversity of cultural content on the Internet
  • Provide resources for teachers, researchers and the general public
  • Provide the means for partner institutions to reduce digital gaps within and between countries.
This ambitious initiative to take multilingualism and multiculturalism into account is reflected in the website design:
  • It is available in seven languages: Arabic, English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Russian and Chinese.
  • Multiple browsing options: chronological frieze, geographic map, institutional or thematic entries.


World Digital Library



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